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The land of Hyrule has changed, and the inhabitants of the land seek a new golden goose: eternal life. The hero sleeps restlessly after Navi disappeared, desperately wanting her companionship once more. Things take a strange turn, and old land is changed. Reality or not, the Kokiri have left, and are aging with the Hylians, grown old from the death of the Deku Tree, and rapidly so. Zelda, Link, and the Kokiri are brought to a new land with the inbalance of Hyrule so unstable, Link's world can no longer maintain itself. There are many forces to be explained, but none of which are solely responsible for the collapse of the old land. The hero sets off into a new world, without choice, as if forced to, into a merged world of lands both known or unknown to the hero. Lands and creatures of old and new.

Zelda wants no more than to find eternal youth for the Kokiri and herself, for everyone is aging rapidly in the new world. The forces of time are against them. With a new quest for Link, the insanity slowly drives our hero into desperation to seek out the this impossible task, while at the same time searching for Navi. Reality slips from our hero, and no longer is the world as it should be, or as it seems. Not even the hero knows this path, and aimlessly searches for any clues that will help. Without a solution, everyone ages rapidly. The curse, the hero's sanity, and the world are all intertwined. Things deep within the hero's psyche will become reality within a world merged between realms of unknowns.
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